
Nostalgic For The Present is a blog that follows the basic philosophy of appreciating the good moments as you experience them. It hopes to achieve this by highlighting the good/great forms of entertainment to come out in modern times. Here is a list of the things that you can expect to find on the site:

1. Reviews – At the moment I review two things: albums and movies. In terms of albums, my main focus will be on hip-hop because that is my favourite genre of music (although there may be some R&B from time to time). In terms of movies, my main focus will be on blockbuster movies and potential Oscar contenders.

2. Nostalgia CornerNostalgia Corner is a series of emotional editorials where I talk about certain pieces of music, movies and TV shows and the impact they had on my life.

3. State Of The PresentState Of The Present is a series of editorials where I give my opinion on the current state of a form of entertainment (i.e. movies, music, video games, television etc.).

4. Down The Rabbit HoleDown The Rabbit Hole is a place where I share some of my favourite finds on YouTube. Hopefully you find them as interesting/thought-provoking as I do.

5. Four SeasonsFour Seasons is a yearlong playlist which features songs that I think will fit the mood of the respective seasons (Autumn Daze, Winter Blues, Spring Awakening & Summer Madness)

6. Playlists – These are playlists of my favourite songs from a certain artist and an analysis of what I think makes that particular artist great.

So take a look at what this site has to offer and I hope that you like the reviews, the articles and the several other things to come in the future. Please feel free to comment below and tell me what you think. Enjoy!

Yours Truly,

John Noire

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi John,

    I’m currently editing a bloggers’ eBook guide on Breaking Bad for Take2 Publishing and was wondering if we could include your article “On The Breaking Bad Finale And The Feeling Of Utter Satisfaction” in the guide. The purpose of the eBook is to promote the work of film & TV critics whose work is otherwise not getting the attention it deserves.

    Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll have my boss work up an agreement for you which includes royalty agreements based on how much the guide sells.

    Thanks, John!

    All the best,

    Adam Zanzie

  2. what’s man I have a album that I think you would enjoy I don’t want to spam you here I just want to see if you could invest 60 second of your time into it

    • Hey man, sorry for taking so long to get to this. I don’t check my blog as much as I used to. Thanks for reaching out though and definitely hit me up on Twitter. Just send me a streaming link via Direct Message (e.g. DatPiff, Soundcloud, YouTube etc.) and I can let you know what I think.

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